Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Transforming robots are the best mannequins

I'm sure that you have seen at least some of the movies where robots transform into different shapes, sizes or even into cars. Well, this time we have her something what is really useful. E-shops has one big problem, lot of people who buys clothes there have to send it back, because the clothes does not fit. That is one of the reason why buying clothes in normal stores is still so popular. Well, fortunately, robots can solve this problem for us as you can see in this video. This robot can change shape so when you put some clothes on it you can see exactly how it will look on you. this is absolutely awesome and one of the greatest and also simplest ideas I have seen for long time. This exactly that kind of invention that is very simple, but very useful and has big chance to be very successful. I'm happy that I can bring such robot videos as this one.

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